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Highlands Ranch

Church of Christ


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Mathew 28:19-20


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         The title LAMB is an acronym, which stands for Latin American Mission Base.  Through the work of Bob Brown, other missionaries and a large group of national preachers about 6,000 people became Christians in the Caribbean area between 1969 and 1977. Over 300 congregations were established because of these efforts.   Then in 1977 Bob and his family moved to Venezuela where 52 congregations were planted before 1986 and about 3,500 were converted.  Near the close of that period Bob began to work in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia as a natural outreach due to contacts and converts in Venezuela from those respective countries.  Also work in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala  and Cuba followed.  As a result, his involvement in Latin America led him to preach  and assist  works in almost every country of Central and South America as well as the Caribbean and Mexico.   In order to describe this mission effort to those who were praying for it and contributing funds to support the work being done, it was decided that LAMB best defined its scope and intent.  


       Presently we are helping support about 20 preachers in Venezuela..  Two annual Venezuelan preachers’ retreat-seminars are partially financed.  There are now over 80 congregations across the nation of Venezuela. 

 During the year 2019  more than 1250 people were baptized into Christ.  .  


       Similar training programs have been regularly conducted in Colombia, Ecuador,

Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Peru. Annually, campaigns have been

conducted in these countries and one or more of them involves a group of Harding

students. Many of the families and individuals who worked in these campaigns have

been, and some are now,  missionaries on foreign fields. 


       Outreach from our Latin American work has resulted in the establishment of

churches in Spain , Russia,  the Ukraine  and Kazakhstan.   Members from the

congregations established in the Caribbean and South America are now

worshipping and preaching in a host of US congregations and even France and Hungary.


In Colombia, LAMB funds have previously been used to provide supplemental support to some preachers, but no funds are being sent there regularly at this time.  Nevertheless, contact remains with these groups. 


In Peru one congregation was established in 2003 and another has been  assisted  on multiple occasions. A campaign group with the Harding students has returned annually to Peru since 2010.


In Mexico the work was established on the island of Cozumel by repeated trips for the purpose of personal evangelism, in conjunction with several campaigns utilizing Harding students.  Bob continues to make periodic trips there to teach and encourage. 


In Ecuador we  previously have been supplying  minimal support to evangelists in Cuenca, Riobamba and currently in the city of Loja.  We  have conducted multiple seminars for preachers and church leaders in that nation.  


       During these forty years of mission work, several preachers have died, leaving their widows and orphans.  Each family has consistently and adequately been supported.  Occasionally medicine or medical supplies have been provided for members or donated to deserving individuals.  During the last five years, funds have also been sent to help purchase food for members of the church who are suffering.   In Venezuela, a campsite for repeated preacher-training sessions was donated to the church and LAMB funds have covered some of the development and maintenance of those rather humble facilities. 


       The Browns presently reside in Denver, Colorado where they have participated in the establishment of both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking churches.  Prior to their arrival there were no Spanish-speaking works in Denver.  

This a quick and brief review of what we are doing with the gifts of Christians who want to see the gospel preached around the world and who care for the needy and the sick.  Thank you so much for your interest and love. 


       We want to continue to hold up the hands of those who are preaching and to convert and train many more.  In order to continue to conduct more and larger campaigns, seminars and workshops, additional funding and time are required.  YOU can make this possible! It is already established that the fields are extremely ripe, that leaders are needing and awaiting more training and that we know how to effectively and efficiently carry out this mission.  This work (LAMB) is overseen by the elders of the Highlands Ranch Church of Christ of Denver, CO.  


All contributions should be made payable to HIIGHLANDS RANCH CHURCH OF CHRIST sent to the church address    PMB 202, 9457 S UNIVERSITY BLVD,



Much has been accomplished but much more will be done for the glory of our God with your help.  

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Stay Connected 

Follow LAMB on Facebook to get updated reports on families and work being done in Latin America


To receive a hard copy of our quarterly reports, please email or speak directly to Bob Brown at (303) 229-9444

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